August 12, 2012

South Hills Hits the Island

There aren't many things more encouraging to our work on the Island as when our home church comes to work alongside of us. As the Director of Teams for G.O., it's a continual cycle of planning and helping teams prepare their time of service in the D.R. and Haiti. I spend a lot of time working behind the scenes so that our teams have the best experience working alongside of the Nationals. I look forward to working on the field and hosting our home church, South Hills, all year long!

I came on my first mission trip with South Hills in 2004 to work with G.O. in the Dominican Republic. God began a transformation in my life on that trip that would ultimately lead to me joining staff with G.O. in 2007. South Hills has continued to be involved with G.O. over the last five years. We are incredibly thankful for, not only the financial support, but the encouragement, friendship, support, prayers, time and love they have given to us and to the Nationals.

Romans 12:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Just as God began transforming me in 2004 through my time in the D.R. we had the priveledge of watching God transform the hearts and minds of 25 people in eight short days. But it's not just about what is accomplished on the field. No, the eight days spent here with us is just the beginning. A major part of what we do is to focus on mutual transformation. Not only is it about serving the Nationals and empowering them in the work they are doing, but it's about being transformed from inside out making more passionate servants of the King and the Gospel in our own "backyard." Serving "the least of these," right where you live.

G.O.'s vision is to empower passionate local leaders serving inside their own cultures to redeem people, renew communities, and restore creation by developing dynamic, international, mutually transformational partnerships.

This incredible vision God has given our ministry is part of the reason why we are so passionate about working with G.O. We have a unique opportunity to not only minister with our Dominican and Haitian brothers and sisters, but our North-American ones as well. We also serve as a way to bridge the cultures through Jesus' peace, redemption, renewal and restoration.

Thank you South Hills for your passionate hearts to serve HIM and for partnering with us!

Special thanks to my fabulous mom (aka Nana) for coming to visit us and watch the girls so we could go to Colorado for a week and be with South Hills and for all the wonderfully yummy treats she made us nightly! (We love you Nana!)

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