April 2, 2010

Restoration for Haiti

For over 20 years G.O. Ministries has been working in the Dominican Republic and Haiti and we are committed to bringing change and restoration to the Haitian people in the wake of the January earthquake.

How will YOU respond?

We are committed to long term work in Haiti and would like to offer this opportunity for you to partner in our plans. Currently, we are starting with a plan to meet the most basic of needs in the communities that we serve. What we are asking is for you to partner with us in one of these areas. Today, I am specifically asking individuals to commit one of the following options: supporting nutritional needs, funding water purification or funding sanitary systems. As little as $50 could pay a cook for one month. $500 could feed 50 kids every month. All aid will be initiated by the local pastor who also needs support. $500 a month would provide his salary and the operating expenses for his ministry plus a contribution to an emergency fund. We see this as the first step in a larger vision for Haiti. Future opportunities will exist in education but we wish to start with feeding the people.

At G.O. Ministries, we support the work of Nationals and seek to develop Partnerships of Ministry to provide much needed encouragement and support through spiritual, physical and financial needs. In order to create a blueprint for future work, we have put together an outline for development in these communities. We do not see G.O. Ministries as the agency for the entire plan but wish to communicate to your our vision for increased opportunities in Haiti. This plan was developed to serve 250 people in a sustainable community and foster the local economy. We plan to implement this in stages, building upon the previous step. We are ready to begin, but want to communicate how this work fits into the bigger vision of partnership with the people of Haiti.

This is only the beginning of meeting the needs in Haiti. Please contact me, Josanne Johnson or any of the office staff at 502-493-9846 to make your pledge of support. Please accept this challenge to meet these most basic of needs.

G.O. plan for Restoration in Haiti

Phase I
Initially, basic needs must be met. In order to do this, our plan is to build a multi-purpose building whose function will change over the life of this plan. This building will allow for development of a feeding program for the community as well as being a focus for the development of water purification and sewage systems. These systems will most likely be developed through our partner agencies. Our aim to assist the Haitian community in the most efficient manor. Housing for extended families will be developed in league with community leaders. In order to lessen dependence upon transported/donated food, an agricultural program will begin to encourage people to work to feed themselves. Agricultural land will need to be obtained and reclamation may also be necessary due to the problem of deforestation and erosion in the country. Animal husbandry will also be developed for feeding community members. The hope is that these efforts will expand into a business opportunity for the members of the community. Community health will be developed through clinic services and the education of individuals in basic first aid and disease prevention. These members of the community will be employed to care for basic needs between doctor’s visits and triage more serious illness to the closest appropriate medical facility. Educational needs will be met through the establish of a school or support and/or improvement of an already existing school.

Phase II
Phase II will consist of the support of education and economic development. Local business will be given the opportunity to grow into regional or national endeavors. Opportunities for adult education and advanced vocational training will be provided. Higher education opportunities will be encouraged. This could be in the form of scholarships to existing schools or partnering to develop institutions such as a teacher training school, nursing school, or physical and occupational therapy school. A medical school is already in the planning stages. Pursuit of the arts will be encouraged by supporting instruction in music, visual and performing arts and language arts.

This is a long term plan and we are committed to working in these areas. We cannot say how long accomplishing these goals will take, but we are dedicated to making progress. But we cannot proceed partners. Only those projects with definite support can proceed. Would you please continue to support Haiti by stepping up in this way?

1 comment:

  1. excellent article. gave me confidence in the self-conceit. The course for me was very helpful in terms of what he showed me a direction in the future.


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